
How To Find Aventus Aretino In Skyrim

Aventus Aretino
(RefID: 0001B121 )
Dwelling house Metropolis Windhelm
House Aretino Residence
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 1 Class Child
RefID 0001B121 BaseID 00014132
Other Information
Health 50 Magicka 0
Stamina 50
Primary Skills Two-handed
Race Details Child
Moral. No Offense Beset. Unaggressive
Faction(south) CrimeFactionEastmarch; TownWindhelmFaction

Aventus Aretino performing the ritual of the Blackness Sacrament

Aventus Aretino is a Nord child located in the Aretino Residence in Windhelm. He escaped from Honorhall Orphanage in Riften, where he ended upward subsequently his female parent, Naalia Aretino, died from sickness during the wintertime, and he at present seeks revenge on the owner of the orphanage, Grelod the Kind, for mistreatment of orphans.

Aventus wears cerise colored child'south clothes and a pair of shoes, and is equipped with a simple iron dagger. He carries a key to his house, a selection of food and toys, and a small amount of aureate.

Rumor has it that he is attempting to contact the Dark Brotherhood. If you track him downward, you will discover him chanting the Black Sacrament and he will assume that you are a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Speaking to him gives the quest Innocence Lost, which leads to your entrance into the Dark Brotherhood.

He can exist found in the Aretino Residence constantly trying to call the Dark Brotherhood. While his actions remain the same, his dialogue rotates between several lines until you reveal yourself: "Sugariness Female parent, sweet Mother, send your kid unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must exist baptized in blood and fear.", "Please... How long must I practise this? I keep praying, Night Female parent. Why won't y'all answer me?", "Die, Grelod! Dice!", "And then... very tired...", and "Grelod, y'all old crone. You'll become what you deserve. The Dark Brotherhood will see to that..."

When you talk to him and enquire if he is all right he volition be overjoyed and remark, "It worked! I knew you'd come up, I just knew it! I did the Black Sacrament, over and over. With the body and the... the things. And and then you came! An assassin from the Dark Brotherhood." At this bespeak, there are three choices of interaction, but they all pb to the same path:

"I'm pitiful, male child, merely I'm not who you think I am."
"Of course you are! I prayed, and you came, and now yous'll accept my contract."
"Yep, of course... The Black Sacrament..."
"It took so long. And then very long. But now that y'all're here, you lot tin can have my contract."
(Remain silent)
"You don't have to say annihilation. There's no need. You lot're hither, so I know y'all'll accept my contract."

Each path leads to asking well-nigh the contract, to which Aventus will answer, "My mother, she... she died. I... I'one thousand all alone now. And so they sent me to that terrible orphanage in Riften. Honorhall. The headmistress is an evil, vicious adult female. They phone call her Grelod the Kind. Just she'south non kind. She's terrible. To all of us. And so I ran away, and came home. And performed the Blackness Sacrament. Now yous're here! And you can kill Grelod the Kind!"

Before you leave, you tin can talk to Aventus for more than information, such every bit the advantage and a bit of his dorsum story. Telling him that assassinations don't come up cheap volition event in the reply, "I have a family unit heirloom you tin can accept. Supposed to be sort of valuable. I hope that'south all correct." If you ask him what happened to his mother, he will explain, "She got sick, terminal wintertime, when the snows came. And she just... she never got better. Non all twelvemonth. One night she fell comatose and... never woke up. So now I'g all alone. And the Jarl said I had to go to Honorhall Orphanage. It'south non fair!" Questioning him about how sure he is about murdering Grelod will have him answer, "I've never been more than sure about anything in my unabridged life. Someone like Grelod doesn't deserve to live ane more day. She'due south a monster."

If you lot take already killed the target, he will be amazed and remark, "I mean, I knew the Dark Alliance was good... merely non that good! Y'all killed the old hag before I even asked!" After completing his quest, he claims that he'south going to be an assassinator himself when he grows up: "When I grow up, I'm going to be an assassin. That way I can aid lots of children, just like y'all." Nevertheless, in the short term, he decides that he will return to the orphanage: "I'll get back to the Orphanage in a while. I'll give them time to, y'all know... clean up the mess." (though he never does - see below).

  • Innocence Lost: Help an orphaned child avoid being returned to a sadistic caretaker.


  • Aventus cannot exist adopted, fifty-fifty when the Hearthfire add-on is installed.
  • Aventus is sometimes referred to equally an Imperial in dialogue from other NPCs.
  • If you attack him, Aventus volition say, "Expect! That's non how this is supposed to piece of work!" if he is in the Aretino Residence, and "What are you doing? I thought we were friends!" if not.


  • Aventus doesn't travel to the orphanage after the completion of Innocence Lost, equally he should.

    Mod Notes: The conditions on the AventusAretinoHonorhallSandbox package require that Aventus already exist in Honorhall Orphanage in society for it to activate, so it never kicks in.

    • PC Only This bug is fixed by version 1.2.3 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.


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